JReviews provides average rating either for “user reviews” or “editor reviews” but to get the average of all we can use this function .
Category: Blogs
How to track who has read your email?
Hi friends here I am with another quick trick of web development. Recently I was working on a News letter module for one of our client and there was a special requirement, client want records of his News letter per user basic. He wants statics which user has read news letter on which date so… Continue reading How to track who has read your email?
JReviews Display related listing data in listing detail’s page using banner fields.
To display related listing data in listing detail page we can use banner field. Steps (1) Go to jreviews and click on “field mananger”. (2) Add new field with the type “banner field”. (3) Give the name of related listing field in the “Banner code” box on the irhgt side. (4) Write the code given… Continue reading JReviews Display related listing data in listing detail’s page using banner fields.
Get Joomla Library Anywhere In External PHP Pages
Just include the following files given below to get joomla libraries anywhere in external php pages.
How to display modules anywhere in component in joomla
Sometimes we need to display a module between the content of our component, Joomla doesn’t provide the functionality to assign location in a component in template file. therefore we need to add some custom code to display a specific module at that position.
Know Reasons to Choose Content Management System for Your Company Website
CMS or Content management System is a software program, which runs on the server and allows you to easily edit, modify and publishing content, image and HTML files as well as maintain from the central user interface. Using CMS makes the content updating and uploading procedure easy and it also gives facility to create dynamic… Continue reading Know Reasons to Choose Content Management System for Your Company Website
How to choose an E- commerce Website Development Company?
Now days E-commerce websites are growing day by day, any business would begin to feed out of market race or outdated if it does not own one E-commerce website. Almost all brands worldwide are switching to an online, either alongside their regular physical stores, or not. There are also many E-commerce startups become very popular… Continue reading How to choose an E- commerce Website Development Company?
Learn How to Create Responsive Images
There are various ways to make images responsive. But let me describe my own way. How we use jQuery for the responsiveness of a website. The main thing we should consider while making Images responsive, that its size. We know that small devices have low bandwidth so we should use compressed images for these devices.… Continue reading Learn How to Create Responsive Images
10 Stupid Reasons why it’s cool to Date an OSTIAN
Ostians aren’t they cool, sweet and loving? Don’t be fooled by their techy behaviors, In outer world they may call boring or geeky or anti-social or Bonded Labour but let me tell you the inside story. They are multidisciplinary, very creative, logical, and magnificent and can make life a little easier with their problem solving… Continue reading 10 Stupid Reasons why it’s cool to Date an OSTIAN
Google’s Matt Cutts response to a webmaster On Penguin via Twitter
Google’s Matt Cutts response to a webmaster on website analysis that website has penalized by Penguin or not. The Google Penguin algorithm has been pointed SEOs for a long time now, but is all webmasters known these are different degrees of Penguin? If not they should know, and it affects website time to time according… Continue reading Google’s Matt Cutts response to a webmaster On Penguin via Twitter