Top 10 SEO Techniques & Strategies for 2018


We wish to conclude the future of search engine optimization in 2018 by writing this post. The main objective of penning this post is to start a discussion on around the top SEO technique and trends in 2018, which SEO expert should follow.

Today, you are going to know some most important SEO techniques that will help to improve your organic traffic, keywords ranking and website optimization.

These are the exact SEO strategies that have helped to increase our website ( traffic by 30.55% in just 20 days.

SEO Techniques

As you can see, make use of the proper SEO techniques boost the organic traffic and keywords ranking substantially. Therefore, it would be a smart play to use effective search engine optimization techniques to boost your website traffic FAST.


Here are top 10 SEO Techniques & Strategies that you can follow to increase organic traffic and ranking in 2018:


Make Your Website and All Pages Super-Fast on All Devices


A slow site is bad not only for the end-user, it is also bad for SEO (search engine optimization), so we share some important ways by which you can make your website load super fast.

  • Cut down on external scripts and all unnecessary information on your website
  • Make Images internet friendly
  • Use a content delivery network (CDN)
  • Understand HTTP requests
  • Optimize JS and CSS files and take advantage of caching
  • Make AMP page


Make a Responsive Website


Build a responsive website that allows your website to adapt to the size of any screen and it could be viewed on say, a phone, desktop, or a tablet etc. It is also beneficial for upcoming Google updates like “Mobile first index”.

Below we share some benefits of using a responsive website:

  • Increased Traffic From Mobile Users
  • Lower Cost And Website Maintenance
  • Adapts Easily To Any Screen Size
  • A Responsive Website Improves Your SEO Efforts
  • Responsive sites provide a better user experience



Use Long Tail Keywords


Long tail keywords can be very profitable to your SEO strategy and narrow down on the needs of specific customers by using descriptive long tail keywords which can be very useful to increase traffic.

There are many good reasons to tap into long-tail keywords that are mentioned below:

  • Less competition
  • It is much easier to rank for long tail keywords than for more common keywords.
  • Long-tails already include your headwords
  • Great for highly competitive niches
  • User becomes aware of a product or service
  • Long-tail keywords are more specific in their requirements


Create a unique and high-quality content


Unique and High-quality content should be a key aspect of every SEO strategy. Create a unique, error-free and well-researched quality content than on quantity and Impress your user or customer by emphasizing more on delivering content. Search engine (Google) wants  to see three aspects of content :

  • Quality
  • Relevance
  • Uniqueness


Link Building: Keep Quality in mind, no Quantity


Focus on only building high quality and relevant backlinks with content marketing that will help to increase website’s ranking and organic traffic in the search engine.


Switch Your website to https


Go from “http” to “https” to safeguard the connection, information and other details on your website as google, yahoo, and all search engines prefer secure website.


Google is the king, but don’t forget Yahoo and bing


Don’t think only Google to be the search engine for your SEO. Attract customers using other search engines as well like Yahoo, Bing etc. to bring your website to the top SEO ranking.


Make a strong presence on social media sites


Sharing useful and informative content on social media will help to get web users attention that would eventually increase the chance of gaining more quality links


Update and republish old blog post


Streamline your existing web content with necessary amendments to increase organic traffic to your website.


User Experience Is the New SEO


Enhance the customer experience by providing the thorough assistance and give your SEO ranking a boost.

TAGS : Digital Marketing, SEO, SMO

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