As JReview/ Directory Listing website expert we understood the client need and tried to bundle all JReview/Directory Listing (like yelp) feature in app named ReviewsPlus. ReviewsPlus is designed for Android and IOS platform. In ReviewPlus app as expert we provide the Features:- 1. Search facility base on location or provide keywords. 2. Show all the… Continue reading Review Plus – A Joomla Reviews app for Android and iPhone
Category: Blogs
Joomla Extension and WordPress Plugins Have Changed the Game of Internet
Internet has simplified lives for better; today people from the remotest corners of the world are enjoying access to the important archives of knowledge. Internet has made it easier for people to acquire the requisite knowledge and develop an intellect. On the other hand Internet has also simplified the way people do business. Internet is… Continue reading Joomla Extension and WordPress Plugins Have Changed the Game of Internet
Content Management: 5 Amazing Ways To Use WordPress
The world of Internet is amazed to see the wonderful advantages WordPress has to offer. Nearly 90% of the websites are hosted on the platform and many more are in the pipeline. The interface offered by the content management tool is interactive and help thousands of businesses and independent bloggers every day in accomplishing their… Continue reading Content Management: 5 Amazing Ways To Use WordPress
Appear Domain name as listing title and in URL in JReviews
One of our client was interested to develop a website where user can see or give the rating to any website. Problem he faced: In JReview there is not any feature or extension where listing title appear as domain name and in URL as well.
Create MEME in JReviews
Picture tells more than 100 words in a look. It is best way of interactive representation and if Meme feature add with picture then it is wordless. One of our client need Meme feature in their “Rating & Review “ website. As Opensource Technologies we understand the client requirement and with the help of our… Continue reading Create MEME in JReviews
How Jreviews Can Help You to Develop Website Better Than Yelp.Com
Are you thinking how are you going to develop a review rating and directory listing website which will be even better than If yes, then get ready to lose all you worries and tension with the help of JReviews. Now, you must be thinking how JReviews can make a website better than This… Continue reading How Jreviews Can Help You to Develop Website Better Than Yelp.Com
What you need to know about Template customization?
To put it in a simple manner, templates can be explained as tools that are very important to launch a web store an easy task. With advancement of internet and online activities, web stores, web pages and websites are gaining importance and thus to fulfil the need of a quick method readymade templates were introduced… Continue reading What you need to know about Template customization?
How To Take Aid Of Competent Drupal Development Company In Creating Portals To Lure Clients?
Technology is indeed the primary backbone that brings about holistic growth, catering to an organization’s whim, fantasies and operability. Drupal is one top notch open source solution for designing and development of web portals. If you are pondering development of a formidable content management solution or a web portal, that is aptly developed and cater… Continue reading How To Take Aid Of Competent Drupal Development Company In Creating Portals To Lure Clients?
How To Hire PHP Programmer And For What Purposes?
PHP is currently the world’s most sought after language for script creation, available open source for general purposes. It works well with MySQL that is a popular open source database platform. In order to get an effective website, game or application developed at the quickest possible with minimal expenses, PHP is the most coveted language… Continue reading How To Hire PHP Programmer And For What Purposes?
Why Should You Utilize A WordPress Development Company For Developing The Best Portals?
Do you have a wide fan base in WordPress? Are you looking for an exquisite uplift into a better, organized and luring WordPress site? Or, are you new to WordPress, and are eager to know how to use it to your utmost benefit?